Since the war on the world Calabria is over, server is under new management, which is guild Podmykacze.
I'm gonna write here few rules that everyone who is playing on the server has to respect.
- All bosses are open except: Golden dragon, golden demon, morgaroth. (Only members of the guild Podmykacze are allowed to kill those).
- Every neutral has to respect members of the guild Podmykacze on spawn.
- If u have any problem feel free to message members of the dominant guild.
- Characters listed below are hunted and will be even after soldout, please keep that in mind and avoid those sellers.
Ustalacz zasad
Nerf Druida
Le Blank
Gandalf Pijany
Buzia King
Pan Mora
Expie Bo Mogie
Mlody Hilton
Utamo Sankti
Knight Of Shienius
Asala Malaikum
Wielki Gimli
Pogotowie Gazowe
Not following those rules will be punished with things like hunted or payment.
Best luck
Since the war on the world Calabria is over, server is under new management, which is guild Podmykacze.
I'm gonna write here few rules that everyone who is playing on the server has to respect.
- All bosses are open except: Golden dragon, golden demon, morgaroth. (Only members of the guild Podmykacze are allowed to kill those).
- Every neutral has to respect members of the guild Podmykacze on spawn.
- If u have any problem feel free to message members of the dominant guild.
- Characters listed below are hunted and will be even after soldout, please keep that in mind and avoid those sellers.
Ustalacz zasad
Nerf Druida
Le Blank
Gandalf Pijany
Buzia King
Pan Mora
Expie Bo Mogie
Mlody Hilton
Utamo Sankti
Knight Of Shienius
Asala Malaikum
Wielki Gimli
Pogotowie Gazowe
Not following those rules will be punished with things like hunted or payment.
Best luck